Our Belief

We Believe in One God and His Holy Son Jesus The Christ. We Believe in having the communion of the body and the blood of Jesus Christ. We believe we are a part of the Church of Jesus Christ serving God and man in the Spirit of Christ.

Our Mission

Our mission is to advance the Kingdom of God in and through the community. And also to reach out to the destitute, orphan and the old aged.

Our Fellowship

ST.Stephen's Church, we are a tight-knight community of professing Christians through the Christ's Love. We endeavour to make you feel at home in Church as you visit our church and participate in the worship, singing and listening to the God's word.

Our Pastor

The congregation is led by our dear Pastor, Rev.P. Mathew Ronald. He's very passionate and encouraging to all the the Church members in all the Church activities and also to extend out fellowship with other bible believers.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

-Matthew 28:19-20

Latest News

  • 45th Church Anniversary

    Celebrating and Thanking God for His abundant Blessings over the last 45 Glorious years. 19th Aug 17, Saturday @ @ 7:00 PM – Anniversary Service...

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  • Arise & Build – Project Update

    Praise the Lord!! Dear Brethren in Christ Jesus. We’re glad to say that our church foundation work is over and also the pillar work. By...

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  • Arise & Build – The NEED

    Praise the Lord!! Dear Brethren in Christ Jesus. As we proceed in the construction of our church building, we need your prayers to uphold every...

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